jadilah wanita yang sederhana namun berkelas...

jadilah wanita yang sederhana namun berkelas...

Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Artichel Kalimat Aktif And Pasif

Made of money don't Work For Money

Like which I can rich?

“yeah, can father say bagimana that its trick I can rich?”
Newspapers laid father which be read. “Why are you want rich?”

“since this morning mother jimmy comes to school by ride Cadillac's car, and they go to merekaditepi's villa beach for vacational weekend. Jimmy doesn't ask out I and mike , but three friends its jimmy was asked out by holiday weekends.

They tell ,  we don't be asked out since we “ poor man child ”.
“ They tell so?” ask doubtful father
“Yes, they really count so,” answer me with sad tone.

My father shakes head to shake head it silently, righting its spectacles that sticks at nose and drawning out reads newspaper. I stand up to wait for answer.

That is year 1956. I am old 9 years.  Since fate, I come in to place same public school made of money school its child . Horticultural main result our city is sugar cane. Horticultural manager and influential another townsman, as doctor, corporate owner, and banker, schooling their child to this school, of class 1 until 6. Afters braze 6, ordinary their childs to be transferred to private schools. 

Since our family lives in one its roadside, I even to that school. Suppose I live in that road other side, I must will go to school that variably, with child of family which more as family me.

Finally my father down its newspaper,I am certain she thinks hard.

“speaking beginning father, “ she starts gently. “ if you want rich, you shall study to result money.”
“how I result money?” my asks.

“Yes, utilize your brain,” allegedly while smiling that actually means, “   Just that one father can say on you ,” or “ Father doesn't know its answer, so doesn't make shame father.”

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011


The Peasant in Heaven

Once upon a time a poor pious peasant died, and arrived before the gate of heaven. At the same time a very rich, rich lord came there who also wanted to get into heaven.
Then saint peter came with the key, and opened the door, and let the great man in, but apparently did not see the peasant, and shut the door again.

And now the peasant outside heard how the great man was received in heaven with all kinds of rejoicing, and how they were making music, and singing within.
At length all became quiet again, and saint peter came and opened the gate of heaven, and let the peasant in.
The peasant, however, expected that they would make music and sing when he went in also, but all remained quite quiet. He was received with great affection, it is true, and the angels came to meet him, but no one sang.

Then the peasant asked saint peter how it was that they did not sing for him as they had done when the rich man went in, and said that it seemed to him that there in heaven things were done with just as much partiality as on earth.
Then said saint peter, by no means, you are just as dear to us as anyone else, and will enjoy every heavenly delight that the rich man enjoys, but poor fellows like you come to heaven every day, but a rich man like this does not come more than once in a hundred years.

Senin, 21 Maret 2011



Setiap kata-kata yang kau rangkai, dalam candamu..
Member keindahan dan kedamaian pada hidup dan cinta ku…
Candamu yang ceria… membuat hatiku merasa gembira.
Senyummu yang lugu… membuat hatiku merasa tersentuh…
Wajahmu yang sedih… membuat hatiku merasa sangat perih…

Candamu, Senyummu Wajhmu, Dan Aku begitu terpesona…
Dengan kesederhanaanmu…
Kau begitu dewasa dan bijaksana, membuat aku kagum kepada mu…

Yang baru aku kenal mempunyai hati yang begitu tulus…
Dan akupun menjadikanmu…
Cinta dalam hidupku….


The fact that Never Run

if I remember about those days, a period where everything is just there are smiles and happy laughter,
where everything okay without anything less and we are into something whole. until now, when I opened the happy memory back, I dismantle and looking again and again, never can I find it more memory.
memory has to be something worn in the photo album.
not in brain, heart or mind.

as quickly flashed on the conscious mind,
Memory is just a hallucination. nothing more than a fortune that never give, lend only. I feel lucky enough to lend strength to me, now he has to retrieve it. and I suppose that all is not fair, not in accordance with earlier agreements. luck was promised to me that he would lend his strength until I reached a nadir keangkuhanku. but in reality? never had I thought the nail tip to make it as proof of the existence of luck myself.

indeed unfair,,,
I felt it was never fair since everything is not like what I want.
should be if I could steal the god hear about what plan to do with my life, everything possible will run as what I want.
unfortunately, today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.
that day never comes, the day that I worry about yesterday, anxious because I feel happiness will never be able to kiss my life again.

I try to go any extent,
whatever extent I try to run from this reality,
will not accomplish anything other than adding something new.
because it is not going to get lost wandering forever ...



Any words that you chain, in your jokes ..
Member of beauty and peace in my life and love ...
Your jokes are happy ... makes me feel happy.
Innocent smile ... makes my heart was touched ...
Your face is sad ... makes my heart feel so sore ...

your jokes, Smile, Your face, And I was so mesmerized ...
With the simplicity you ...
You're so mature and wise, I was amazed to make your ...

LOVE ... ...
I know have a new heart so sincere ...
And I will make you ...
Love of my life ....

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011



friend ....
One time, a friend is a shield. At our friends can tell, with happiness and sadness, with laughter and tears. Laughter can we release the best friend. The tears we shed could also, of anxiety which sneak in our chest. At our friends can ask, "how do I?" Or, "as if I?". Companions are the most intelligent and most honest response to our own profile. Companions can also be a mirror up to us to continue to organize ourselves.

A friend can heal wounded hearts. drag you from the sad tones that surround. Illuminate the sky is gray. Clear up the lies that deceive.

A friend always ready with open arms, to comfort you and protect you from distress. To help you keep all your secrets. To keep you company when you want to have fun. A friend is always there beside you, in joy and sorrow.

In happy times or full of fear. Always please you and always cheerful. And the bond between friends will always be timeless. And you must remember there are ex mancar but no ex-best friend ....



Suatu saat, sahabat adalah perisai. Pada sahabat kita bisa bercerita, dengan kebahagiaan dan kesedihan, dengan tawa dan air mata. Gelak tawa bisa kita lepaskan pada sahabat. Air mata juga bisa kita tumpahkan, atas kegundahan yang menyelinap di dada kita. Pada sahabat kita bisa bertanya, "bagaimana saya?", atau , "seperti apakah saya?". Sahabat adalah orang yang paling pandai dan paling jujur menanggapi profil diri kita. Sahabat juga dapat menjadi kaca diri kita untuk terus menata diri.

Seorang sahabat bisa menyembuhkan luka hati. menarikmu dari nada-nada sedih yang melingkupi. Menerangi langitmu yang kelabu. Menjernihkan dusta-dusta yang menipu.

Seorang sahabat selalu siap dengan tangan terbuka,untuk menghiburmu dan melindungimu dari marabahaya. Untuk membantumu menyimpan segala rahasiamu. Untuk menemanimu saat kau ingin bersenang-senang. Seorang sahabat selalu ada disampingmu, dalam suka dan duka.

Dalam saat bahagia atau penuh ketakutan. Selalu menyenangkanmu dan selalu ceria. Dan ikatan antara sahabat akan selalu abadi. Dan kalian musti ingat ada mantan mancar tetapi tidak ada mantan sahabat…. Trim’s vivi


Honor your father and your mother

My father and my mother always taught about how Love and Be ... ... ... my nature is probably innate gene from my father and my mother, my nature is nature which could be hidden from the father and mother. My mother's father always reminded to brbuat good, friendly, modest, humble, honest, sincere and courageous to accept reality. anything as bad as my mother's father was never require that I become a successful seseorg or abundant materials, father, my mother always saying, "Be good and Work more than us, for the sake of your future and your family too soon"

My mother's father slelalu share your story with me, Karen was why I could be this close to my father and my mother, About the world of work, about Feelings and Heart, about the progress of time, about the Life of Life, about the meaning of person, about their life experiences and about freedom.

My mother's father may be no better than Parents like that you have But why You're always complaining to my father and mother do you have? What Mom and Dad never buried and Tell None makes a failure for Our Lives Today, the start Love and Honor them Ponder carefully, what the body wrap, which flows in your body, which drips from your eye lids?

All that ...
We are not born like that and instantly became a success, Understand a little about the advantages and disadvantages of father and mother that we had And they have a limit ... Syukurilah what to give Mom and Dad Our Lives Thanks to Mom and Dad who always reminded We .. What can you do when Mom and Dad back to Him? when we are tempted to favor the world? Who is who receives all of that with a roomy chest and spread his hands wide as at the time they were there?

Listen to it, karen we too will become just as they are, have a family and raise a child advances from him Always said with a smile that you are proud to have and love them That's all they ask of His children, the pride of the most expected from the Heart of His children. Love the father and mother ... like father and mother love you all.


New Years


in the new year this is the first step to begin a career I am I, making the same mistakes I did in the year 2010, hopefully I can fix this in the new year ... goodbye my sweet memories .. I would walk all over again, that does not mean I will melupakanya but I will keep my memory sweet memories in a book of eternity ... y GOD .. smoga I can give something that is pleasing to my two parents, I'll prove that I could be the best in the new year .. ain Amien .. My first step is to begin ..
1. I will raise my self-confidence
2. I must be strong and brave woman, when I faced sebah msalah
3. I should be able to change myself better concentrated in
4. I should be able to show to the fictitious person, especially the people closest to me, that I will succeed
5. I'm not going to disappoint both my parents ..
6. etc..

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Theory kalimat Aktif dan Pasif

1. Active Sentences
Active sentences are sentences where the subjects perform an act or activity. Active sentences are usually preceded by the prefix me-or air-divided into two kinds:
a. Transitive active sentence is the sentence that has the object of the patient
- Dad to buy meat
- Kadir seduce the village girls
- Bang Jajang met Jane
b. Intransitive active sentences are sentences that do not have the object patient
- sister cry
- Omar fight
- Since ancient times Junaidi thoughtful in his hideout in Batu Malang

2. Passive Sentences
Passive sentence is the sentence that the subject be subject to an act or activity. Passive sentence is usually preceded by the prefix in-or-tar
- Village Chief of accountability held by Mr. Head
- Chicken beaten Cats
- black orchid that trampled the lay


Examples of Active sentences and Pasif

Active sentence:
- Nisa was watering the plants.
- Women buy textbooks
- Eko was reading a book.
- Ozay was cooking rice.
- Budi kicking a kitten.

Passive sentence:
- Plants are watered Nisa.
- Textbooks are purchased Princess.
- The book is being read Eko.
- Rice is cooked Ozay.
- The kitten was kicked Budi